Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Happy Wednesday! (Survivor Night!!!) Hoped to post these sooner, but this week has been great and crazy all in one. Last Friday was Molly's first day of her Pre, Pre School. She goes to St. Anne's Day School, P.M.O. (Parent's Morning Out) program on Fridays. Really neat! It is from 8:30-12:30 - she has her own teachers and classmates and loves it. The deal was sealed when she walked in and Mickey was painted on the wall!


  1. thats good that you get to have a morning to yourself and it will be great for her ti interact with other children- since i work in the child development field for so long i have only seen god things come from those who attend some type of prgoram and are around other children :) glad to hear she did great and you get a to have a morning to do some ME TIME things :) GO JAMIE AND MOLLY :)

  2. man just re read my post and i type so fast I made a lot of typing mistakes sorry :(
