Sunday, July 18, 2010

Topsy Tervy

Okay... new find... Tervis Tumblers. Woah. Actually, "new" might be the wrong word. I believe these things have been around since the 80's and I have always seen them (even remember them from our cabinet back in grade school) but I never really paid much attention. Oh boy, last weekend Karlin talked me into the awesomeness of this cup! They call it Magic. Any one that knows me, knows I am particular about my glasses. I like to choose a cup depending on what I am drinking or what we are doing (beaching it, relaxing at home, on deck, etc)! (I know, silly...) See the example picture of how many wine glasses I have. I collect two of each... I never need a full set, I just need CHOICES! Well, I don't need any more choices for tumbler glasses. This thing is amazing. It keeps the drink so cold, and the ICE doesn't melt, which we all know ruins a drink. Last weekend I had the best diet coke I have ever had in a glass. I don't know what it is about them... but the fizz just stays. Any one who drinks cocktails with soda, this is the way to do it. Bed Bath and Beyond sells them and they are worth every penny. I only have one right now. BB&B is on the list of errands tomorrow. I will probably only use it for bubbly drinks.. but they are meant to hold hot liquid too. Highly recommended for icecream. The Brand is Tervis... Drop everything you are doing and go buy some!!


  1. we have these too and i love them!

  2. thanks for the tips ill go look today - i think marshalls had some they had palm trees on the outside :)
