Back in the days of being entirely too cool for school, I apparently used the word "cool" quite often. Hah! Years later, without fail, every time I saw my Grampy he always asked: "Still Cool Jameski?"
After 90 incredible years here with us, my Grandfather, Charlie Kilgore, passed away on October 27, 2010. The legacy, family, memories and life lessons left behind can't be captured in a quick entry here.
Grampy was the kind of guy who, no matter if you were cooking a quick meal, or making a life decision, you wanted to make proud. The amount of respect that followed him was not only obvious, it was astounding. And the most amazing part about it, he didn't demand it. He came by it selflessly and humbly. Hard earned by years of service to our country, his community, his family.
Grampy was fun! Both hands propped on top of his cane, he would look up and think for a good few seconds before delivering his next thought/tale. Shit Bread, Blackberry Brandy, Woodwork.... Icecream... (Molly and him make a good team there!) Oh if he could have seen Molly eat and icecream cone, he would have lost his mind! Molly and Grampy were able to spend some time together and that is so wonderful. He played is Harmonica for her. Special. Jodi and I spent many summers at their house, attending a theater summer camp. I am sure we drove him nuts! Hah! I vividly remember his footsteps coming up stairs (...stairs he built of course...) to wake us up at 7 am. He would have already been up for 2 hours. Cruises, fishing, his truck, his pipe... the way his house smelled. GRAMMY! Not even a scratch on the surface of his life... In my Adult years, and as a Mom, I came to appreciate even more the person he was. Pretty amazing. I am humbled by his life, and honored to be his Granddaughter. Looking so forward to living a life that would make him proud. The example has been set...
Some pictures!!